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Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | 12:00 AM

在美国,越来越多的学生被诊断患有注意力缺陷障碍(ADD). As of 2011, 11 percent of students in the U.S. received an ADD diagnosis. Earning an online Master’s Degree of Education in Special Education 是加深你对ADD等障碍的理解的好方法. 您还将学习教学方法和课堂管理策略,以保持ADD学生的注意力集中和参与.

不熟悉儿童注意力缺陷障碍的教师可能会对学生感到沮丧, 是什么阻碍了积极的师生关系和成功的学习体验的发展. Teachers should understand the following facts about ADD.

ADD Is Not a Deficit of Knowledge or Intelligence

对于老师来说,重要的是要知道多动症并不意味着学生缺乏智力. 注意力缺失多动症是一种影响自我控制和情绪调节的疾病, which influences behavior, hyperactivity, impulsivity and focus.

Students With ADD Are Not Purposefully Misbehaving

这可能看起来像一个一直过度活跃的学生是故意行为不端. 然而,儿童的注意力缺陷障碍导致自我控制能力的缺乏. 而没有多动症的学生可以停下来考虑他们的行为, students with ADD lack that ability. Through patience and targeted teaching strategies, 教师可以帮助学生建立健康的联系和自我调节.

Children With ADD Have Trouble Focusing

当一个患有注意力缺陷多动症的学生不能再听一节课或专注于一项任务时, it is time to give him or her a break. 多动症涉及到控制注意力和记忆的大脑管理系统的损伤. 向患有注意力缺陷障碍的儿童教授正念是帮助他们学习提高注意力的策略的一种方法.

Children With ADD Need Motivation and Affirmation

被诊断患有注意力缺陷多动症的儿童更容易患上抑郁症, 随着年龄的增长,缺乏自尊和其他精神疾病. 因此,教师创造一种肯定和激励的课堂文化是至关重要的.

When you earn an online master’s degree in special education, 你会熟悉像儿童注意力缺陷障碍这样的情况. When special education teachers understand the disorder, 他们可以为患有注意力缺陷多动症的学生提供一个更有同情心和支持性的学习环境.

Learn about University of Texas Rio Grande Valley online M.Ed. in Special Education degree program.



Education World: How Can Teachers Help Students with ADHD?

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